More About Indy

In her twenties, Indy experienced a series of major transitions that would change the course of her life: the end of a significant relationship, the move to a new home, and living on her own for the first time. She began to ask herself a number of questions, including: Who do I want to be? What life do I want to live? and How do I want to live it? This initiated a journey of discovery that would eventually lead to her heart’s longing. But that was several years to come.

In 2002, she was introduced to the concept of coaching and was immediately intrigued. She thought of it often, but the practical realities of life kept her focus on her day job and (what seemed like) the responsible choices to make. But in 2008, thirsty for new ideas and knowledge, Indy eventually followed her curiosity and took the training to become a Certified Executive Coach. She continued her nine-to-five job, and in her spare time, began laying the groundwork for a side business in coaching – which nourished and inspired her deeply. This work soon gained a life of its own.

Within the walls of the organization where she worked, she felt caught between organizational directives and her own intuitive wisdom. The old dilemma that spurred her into action as a child resurfaced. Allowing herself to explore a new direction, and new questions, lead to her next major task.

“What is the inner work we need to do as individuals to influence radical transformative change in the world around us – in our relationships, families, workplaces, and communities… in a world that’s desperate for a different way of being?” ~Indy

In 2011, Indy heard about a one-year contract in Toronto. Through a multitude of unexplainable signs, messages and synchronous events, Indy received the confirmation she needed. On an intuitive level, Toronto felt right, and very quickly, all the pieces fell into place. It was a huge risk to move across the country, but this New Beginning was a welcomed change.

The new job was exciting, enriching, and offered a much-needed challenge. On all fronts, Indy was dealing with change – new job, new home, new social circle, new city. Underestimating the culture shock these multiple, overlapping changes would create for her, a whole set of demands, stresses, and constrictions surfaced, resulting in illness. About six months into her new job, Indy came down with the Shingles, which then led to adrenal fatigue and a compromised immune system. For the next several months, she worked to juggle a demanding job with maintaining some semblance of health and taking in the messages her body was telling her.

She decided to listen.

At the end of her contract, Indy made the only decision she felt she could make: to pause, reflect, and tap into an inner source for her next steps.

Away from the structures and systems guiding her career to that point, Indy gained perspective and reconnected to the questions that inspired her most – the very ones that initiated her journey in the first place. Taking the time to envision work on her own terms and without distractions, a deeper creativity, passion and purpose began to emerge.

Many of us experience not fitting in – in our families, school systems, workplaces, or society in general. We live on the edges and struggle to find acceptance and love as we pursue our dreams. Indy’s work is about engaging people from that place and focusing on a paradigm shift: global peace, inclusion, living a creative life, and being an engaged, valued citizen. She is re-creating work, guided by the wisdom of her own authority.

Indy continues on a path of personal discovery, stretching herself beyond her comfort zone, allowing her imperfections, examining her assumptions, and bringing her inner Rebel together with a profound curiosity about human development and her many years experience in diversity and inclusion. Through coaching, teaching and training, she works at the intersections of diversity, feminine energy, spiritual practice, and social and institutional change. She helps people question their biases, break out of their comfort zone, step through unknown doorways, and begin the journey home.

~ story written by Kristen Roderick