About You


How can I be of service? What do you need? How do my unique gifts and approaches meet those needs? Are we a good fit?


  • are looking to make long-term changes, not quick fixes
  • are willing to stay with uncertainty, ‘not knowing,’ long enough to see what emerges and arrive at a new understanding
  • are already successful and confident, and now want to shift from good to great, from reactive to responsive
  • enjoy learning, growing and challenging your limits
  • value new perspectives, new ways of doing, being, thinking
  • are committed to addressing your biases and blindspots
  • value self reflection and personal development in service of creating a better world


  • self-aware, socially conscious, seeking new ways of being in your life and work
  • looking for support to avoid burnout and build resilience
  • interested in making an impact on a personal, group, organizational and/or systemic level


  • relationship oriented, focused on people, their gifts, and potential, and helping them do great things
  • values based, focused on how work is done, and creating a culture of potential and creativity
  • growing and open to new ideas and trends, ready to adapt to an evolving and changing future
  • committed to the well being of your people and the organization
  • not afraid of change, and value a collaborative, mindful approach to addressing transition

Wisdom • Heart • Power • Transformation

What is the inner work we need to do, as individuals, as leaders, and as communities to influence radical transformative change; in ourselves, our relationships, places of work, families, communities, and in a world that is desperate for a different way of being?